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  • 1- God Made Me and Loves Me! (Cho)

  • 2- Snack and Play Time

  • 3- Let's Learn the Alphabet (Wright)


  • 1A- Ride On! (Crary)

  • 1B- Genre-ly Speaking (Salebe)

  • 2A- Discovering the Decades (Duffy)

  • 2B- Jewelry making (Rucker)

  • 3A- Basketball Skills (Hawes)

  • 3B- Slimy, Scaly, Slithering Creatures (Collins)



  • 1- Wacky Weather (Peterson)

  • 2- Get Your Hands Ready (Esbrandt)

  • 3- Free play and Snack


  • 1A- Crazy About Cats! (Davidson)

  • 1B- Spectacular States and Capitals (Waldron)

  • 2A- Bee Buddies: Beekeeping (Little)

  • 2B- Art Adventures (Scott)

  • 3A- Human Body Odyssey (Yeh)

  • 3B- Show Me the Money! (Bishop)


  • 1A- Stellar Universe (Leahy)

  • 1B- Imagineering (Neely)

  • 2A- 3-D Art (Huguenin)

  • 2B- Drama Improv (Smith)

  • 3A- Great Speeches (Davis)

  • 3B- Cardio Drumming (Strickland)

God Made Me and Loves Me!

Instructor: Mrs. Cho


Class Description:

Children will learn about our 5 senses, basic human anatomy, community helpers in the hospital setting, germs and overall health through books, songs, crafts, and activities!

Special Notes:

  • No homework but will memorize Psalm 139:14a by the end of the semester.


Week 1 – From Head to Toe - What can your amazing body do?

Week 2 – 5 Senses: Sight - What part of your body helps you see?

Week 3 – 5 Senses: Hearing - What part of your body helps you hear? 

Week 4 – 5 Senses: Smell - What part of your body helps you smell? 

Week 5 – 5 Senses: Touch - What part of your body helps you feel?

Week 6 – 5 Senses: Taste - What part of your body helps you taste food?

Week 7 – Germs/hospitals: What happens when we get sick? 

Week 8 – Healthy Eating and Hygiene

Free Play​

Class Description:

Students will enjoy a time of free play and a gluten free snack provided by LEAP.

Let's Learn the Alphabet

Instructor: Mrs. Wright


Class Description:

Join us as we learn a letter, read a book, and do a craft each week!


Week 1 –Letter A
Week 2 –Letter B
Week 3 –Letter C
Week 4 –Letter D
Week 5 –Letter E
Week 6 –Letter F
Week 7 –Letter G
Week 8 –Letter H


Wacky Weather 

Instructor: Mrs. Peterson

Class Description:

In this class students will be learning about various aspects of weather and how it impacts our lives.  We will use picture books, data collection, hands-on experiments, and art activities to learn together.  We will also be going outside and using our observation skills to apply what we’re learning.  By the end of the semester students will have a better understanding and appreciation of our God created weather systems and patterns.

Special Notes:

  • Students will have some data collection to do at home which will be communicated via email to parents ahead of time.


Week 1 – Wacky Weather Introduction class: We will create our big class weather graph to measure temperature and other weather aspects weekly. We will also begin memorizing our class bible verse for the semester.

Week 2 – Temperature: We will learn all about different temperatures found in seasons; how to measure temperature, how temperature affects us daily and how it is different in other parts of the World.  

Week 3 – Clouds: We will learn about and identify different types of clouds.  We will try to create these clouds using hands-on crafts. 

Week 4 – Clouds cont’d: We will do science experiments to help us learn about how clouds are formed and record our observations. 

Week 5 – Water Cycle: We will learn about rain and the water cycle.  This class will focus on the many reasons why rain is important.  We will learn about measuring rainfall and collecting data. 

Week 6 – Water Cycle: We will review the water cycle, do a rainy day craft together and complete a water cycle “map” 

Week 7 –Rainbow day: We will learn about the biblical significance of the rainbow and how it is formed.  We will do a science experiment to make rainbow colors and complete a rainbow art project. 

Week 8 – WACKY WEATHER final class celebration: We will finish practicing our class bible verse, complete our own weather mini-books, and work on weather playdough mats.



Get Your Hands Ready for School

Instructor: Mrs. Esbrandt

Class Description:

Getting little hands ready for school is so important for academic success! Such preparation should not only involve paper and pencil, but should also include a variety of materials and should be a lot of fun. We will have an exciting semester of playing and creating to get little hands ready for school success!


Week 1 – Get your Hands ready with Gross Motor Play
Week 2 – Get your Hands ready with Play Doh/Clay
Week 3 – Get your Hands ready with Water
Week 4 – Get your Hands ready with Paint
Week 5 – Get your Hands ready with Pasta
Week 6 – Get your Hands ready with Legos
Week 7 – Get your Hands ready with Scissors
Week 8 – Get your Hands ready with Puzzles

Free Play​

Class Description:

Students will enjoy a time of free play and a gluten free snack provided by LEAP.

Crazy About Cats!

Instructor: Mrs. Davidson

Class Description: 

We will explore the wonderful world of wild cats: tigers, lions, cheetahs and more! This class will include science, art, history, and geography. Each week, we will discuss a different cat each week.

Special notes:

  • Week 8 - We will do a little show and tell with the class. Students are allowed to bring in their favorite stuffed animal cat, or a picture of their own family cat, or a picture of a cat that they may have seen at the zoo, to share with the rest of the class. If they’d like to dress in any cat prints, that would be so fun too!


Week 1 – Introduction - What are cats?
Week 2 – Tiger
Week 3 – Lion
Week 4 – Cheetah & Puma
Week 5 – Lynx
Week 6 – Leopard
Week 7 – Ocelot
Week 8 – Show and Tell




Spectacular States and Colossal Capitals

Instructor: Mrs. Waldron

Class Description:

In this class students will learn all of their states and capitals… and be able to locate them on a map. Over 8 weeks of mapping our country, we will use puzzles, songs, books, rebuses, partner quizzing, stories, food and games in order to remember our United States of America! Class is for both readers and non-readers alike.

Special notes:

  • Class will include no homework, however, I will send home emails each week of what we did so that you can reinforce at home, if you so choose. On week 7, students will be invited to bring food from their favorite state.



Week 1 – Overview - all states and capitals 

Week 2 – Western States - WA, OR, CA, NV,  ID, UT, AZ, MO, WY, CO, NM

Week 3 – Middle America -  ND, SD, NE, KS, OK, TX, MN, IA, MO, AK, LA

Week 4 –  Great Lakes -  WI, IL, MI, ID, KY, OH, PA, NJ. DE MD, WV, VA

Week 5 –  Upper East - ME, VT, NH, NY, MA, CT,  RI

Week 6 – Lower East  - TN, NC, MS, AL, GA, SC, FL, HI AL

Week 7 – Review -all states and capitals

Week 8 – Review -all states and capitals

Bee Buddies: A Buzzworthy Adventure in Beekeeping

Instructor: Mrs. Bishop


Class description:

Welcome to the sweetest classroom on the block – Bee Buddies! In this immersive and engaging 8-lesson course designed for our curious and nature-loving first -third graders, we embark on a journey into the vibrant world of beekeeping. From the basics of bee anatomy to the intricate dance within the hive, Bee Buddies is a delightful exploration that combines hands-on activities, exciting discussions, and even a taste of the golden nectar itself!

Special notes:

  • no homework, may require supplies from home


Week 1 – Bee-autiful Beginnings Dive into the importance of bees in Lesson 1 as we explore their role in pollination. Engage our Bee Buddies with a hands-on activity, planting seeds and observing the process of pollination in action.

Week 2 - Bee Anatomy Bonanza Discover the inner workings of our fuzzy friends in Lesson 2. Bee Buddies will participate in a bee anatomy drawing and labeling activity using paper and colors, bringing the buzz to life.

Week 3 - Hiving Fun with Team Bees Get ready for a lesson in teamwork within the hive! In Lesson 3, Bee Buddies will engage in a group activity to simulate hive dynamics, assigning roles and responsibilities to understand the importance of every bee in the colony.

Week 4- Life Cycle Safari Embark on a life cycle safari in Lesson 4 as we follow bees from egg to adult. Bee Buddies will create a pop-up book showcasing the different stages of a bee's life cycle, adding a creative touch to their learning.

Week 5-6- Construction Zone - The Beehive Chronicles In these lessons, Bee Buddies will construct their own mini beehives using craft materials. Lesson 5 focuses on the basic structure, while Lesson 6 delves into the tools with a hands-on exploration of beekeeping equipment replicas.

Week 7- The Bounty of the Hive Dive into Lesson 8 with a honey tasting session, where Bee Buddies will sample different types of honey. They'll also engage in a beeswax modeling activity, creating small sculptures using beeswax.

Week 8- Bee Heroes in Action In this lesson, Bee Buddies will become advocates for bees by creating posters showcasing ways to protect and support bee populations. This hands-on activity encourages creativity and critical thinking.


Art Adventures

Instructor: Mrs. Scott


Class Description:

Over the next eight weeks, get ready to dive into a world of artistic exploration. Through watercolors, acrylics, crayons, and more, we'll splash colors, blend techniques, and ignite our imaginations. Each class is an opportunity to transform a blank canvas into a vibrant world of your creation. Join us in this exciting class where creativity knows no limits and every stroke brings your imagination to life!


​Week 1 – Exploring the Color Wheel: Creating a color wheel using watercolors
Week 2 – Monet Tribute
Week 3 – Pointillism Qtip painting
Week 4 – Skyline Silhouette: Practice creating value with Watercolors
Week 5 – Giant Heart Artwork: using pencils and crayons: practice design and color application
Week 6 – Self portrait: Introduction to drawing techniques with crayons and pencils
Week 7 – Complete self portrait with paint
Week 8 – Watercolor Flowers: Creating personalized watercolor flower compositions inspired by O'Keeffe's style

Human Body Odyssey

Instructor: Mrs. Yeh

Class Description:

We will explore human anatomy through fun visualizations, videos, experiments, and games. My main source for
material will be Apologia’s Anatomy & Physiology textbook. Each week will cover one system.

Special notes:

  • Class will include some optional homework to reinforce concepts learned in class.


Week 1 – The Cell
Week 2 – Skeletal System
Week 3 – Muscular System
Week 4 – Digestive System
Week 5 – Respiratory System
Week 6 – Circulatory System (Blood)
Week 7 – Cardiovascular System
Week 8 – Review

Show Me The Money!

Instructor: Mrs. Bishop

Class Description:

Let’s learn about US Currency from a Penny to a Dollar Bill. We’ll learn what they look like, how/where they’re made, their value, and how to use them through games and SHOPPING! Truly a class that’s “worth it's weight in gold”!


Special notes:

  • Class will include basic addition skills and some writing.


Week 1 – The History of Money
Week 2 – US Penny
Week 3 – US Nickel
Week 4 – US Dime
Week 5 – US Quarter
Week 6 – US $1 Bill
Week 7 – Math Games
Week 8 – Basic Economics (aka shopping at our “store”)

Ride On!

Instructor: Mrs. Crary

Class Description:

Boys and girls! Who doesn’t love to ride, or at least love the idea of riding, on something fast and powerful? I’m no expert on either, but I’m hoping to share my love of horses and motorcycles and have fun with the kids while we learn something of the history, anatomy, gear, care, and safe operation of Horse and Motorcycles! Guest experts planned with a chance for hands-on gear interaction. If the weather cooperates there will even be a chance to examine a real motorcycle and talk to the rider. Maybe even a horse and rider, but that is still to be determined and will depend on weather, etc.


Special Notes:

  • Classes will include a short video and/or a literature selection (no reading required, but opportunity available for those who are eager to read aloud). Parts/anatomy labeling expected with some hands on crafting, so students may need to cut & paste and label neatly. One class will assemble a paper horse with articulation using brads.


Week 1 – Horses: A short history. Fact or myth quiz for fun. Present some different types of riding and mounted sports/ professions. Sharing what each student knows / likes / or doesn’t about horses. Short video (s) and a literature selection shared.

Week 2 – Horses: Anatomy. Short video, literature selection shared. Learn about the names of the main parts of a horse. Cut, label, and assemble an articulating paper horse. See how far and in what ways horses can really move!
Week 3 – Motorcycles: A short history (mostly in America). Sharing what each student knows / likes / or doesn’t about motorcycles. Learn about different types of motorsports. Would you Rather”? or other game with motorcycle theme. Short video(s) and a literature selection shared.
Week 4 – Motorcycles: Anatomy. Short video, literature selection shared. Learn about the main parts of a motorcycle. Label a printed diagram. Learn to identify the category or type of motorcycle, see the differences in styles/engine types. Matching game.
Week 5 – Horses: Tack Attack! Special Guest to demonstrate and discuss different types of tack for horses. (Bridles, halters, bits, saddle, English/Western, grooming supplies, etc) HANDS-ON! Q & A! Note: this week could get rescheduled,  depending on guest availability
Week 6 – Horses: Care and Safety. Learn some of the basics about caring for a horse. How much do they eat? What do they need each day? How does this change with seasons, weather, age, etc? Perhaps a few common ailments and when to call a vet. Learn basic safety rules and procedures when visiting a barn, being close to, or riding a horse. Video(s) and
literature reading shared.
Week 7 – Motorcycles: Geared for the gearhead! Learn about the different protective and other gear options for motorcycle riding. (Heat, cold, rain, etc). Special Guest! Come out to the parking lot and see a motorcycle up close. Identify parts, examine gear. HANDS-ON for gear, but sorry no rides! And, depending on cool-down time available, may or may not be able to touch parts of the motorcycle. Q&A! ( Note: This week may be rescheduled as needed depending on weather and rider availability)

Week 8 – Summation and preparation for the finale. Specifics TBD, but writing and/or drawing needed. Options for different learners. A guided, fill-in sheet and/or opportunity to draw your favorite part of the class and/or facts learned. More independent writers/ artists can contribute an original work or skit inspired by classes. Survey of interests/ abilities for final project and preparation guidance as needed planned for Week 6 & 7.




Genre-ly Speaking

Instructor: Mrs. Salebe​

Class Description:

Welcome to our literature genre class for 3rd to 5th grade students! In this class, we will be exploring the exciting world of literature through fun crafts and activities. Over the course of 8 weeks, we will be diving into different genres of literature and learning about their unique characteristics. By the end of this class, students will have a better understanding of and appreciation for different genres of literature and how to incorporate them into their own writing.

Special Notes:

  • We will encourage the kids to read all the time but there is only 1 homework to be delivered by week 8, kids will have to create a historical diorama base of a book or story they read at home.

  • (optional) $10 fee for hardcover book of the children's work at the end of the semester


Week 1:Introduction to Literature, we will Discuss about the Kids favorite book and we will create characters that will help us explore the different genres through the semester.

Week 2: Mystery and Legends - In this week, we will explore the mystery and legends genre by creating our own detective kits and solving a mystery. We will also learn about different legends from around the world and create our own legend to share with the class.

Week 3: Tragedy and Romance - In this week, we will explore the tragedy and romance genre by creating our own love letters and learning about Shakespearean tragedies. We will also discuss the different types

Week 4: Fantasy and Horror - In this week, we will dive into the fantasy and horror genre by creating our own magical creatures and spooky monsters. We will also read and discuss different fantasy and horror stories and learn how to create suspense in our own writing.

 Week 5: Adventure and Mythology - In this week, we will explore the adventure and mythology genre by creating our own treasure maps and going on a scavenger hunt. We will also learn about different mythological creatures and create our own mythological story to share with the class.

Week 6: Fables and Folk Tales - In this week, we will learn about fables and folk tales by discussing different fables and folk tales and learn about the lessons they teach us.

Week 7: Science Fiction and Comedy - In this week, we will explore the science fiction and comedy genre by creating our own futuristic inventions and performing a comedy skit. We will also learn about different science fiction stories and how to create humor in our own writing.

Week 8: Historical Fiction - In this week, we will learn about historical fiction by creating our own historical dioramas and presenting them to the class. We will also read and discuss different historical fiction stories and learn how to incorporate historical facts into our own writing.

Discovering the Decades

Instructor: Mrs. Duffy​

Class Description:

Each week we will discover a new decade in American history. We will learn about the key points in history, presidents, historical figures, inventions, music, food, and fashion of the times. We will pull it all together in a big 20th century timeline for each student to take home. Each week we will enjoy a new recipe or snack from the decade we are covering.


Week 1 – 1910’s - Titanic, Ford cars, sherbet. 

Week 2 – 1920’s - Women’s suffrage, Babe Ruth, Mickey Mouse, and Jell-O. 

Week 3 – 1930’s - The Great Depression, Amelia Earhart, Lay’s chips. 

Week 4 – 1940’s - WW2 homefront, frisbee, M&M’s. 

Week 5 – 1950’s - The Golden Age, hula hoops, marshmallow Peeps. 

Week 6 – 1960’s - The space race, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Pop-Tarts. 

Week 7 – 1970’s - Star Wars, Carter, Nixon, Nerds candy. 

Week 8 – 1980’s  - Reagan, Rubik’s cube, Pac-man, Pop Rocks. 


Jewelry Making 

Instructor: Mrs. Rucker


Class Description:

Let’s have fun making jewelry! We’ll make some beads, bracelets and more! If you’ve ever wanted to make your own
jewelry, or you already do and you want to make more, this is the class for you!

Special Notes:

  • Class will include a $15 supply fee


Week 1 – Make Fidget Bracelet
Week 2 – Make Straw Weaving Bracelet
Week 3 – Make Valentine Necklaces
Week 4 – Make Beads
Week 5 – Make Necklaces/Bracelets with Beads
Week 6 – Make Flower Bracelets
Week 7 – Make Friendship Bracelets
Week 8 – Finish Up Projects

Basketball Skills

Instructor: Mrs. Hawes​

Class Description

We will spend the semester working on conditioning our bodies, and developing basketball skills. Skills we will work on are dribbling, passing, lay-ups, and shooting. Come prepared to exercise! Each child will have to bring a basketball with them every class, wear athletic clothes/shoes, and outdoor appropriate clothes. It will be cold, so be prepared for that.

Special Notes:

  • Child must bring their own basketball with them every week


Week 1 – Run laps. Stretch. Dribble. Jumping Jacks. Bounce Pass. Shoot from the box w/ Rebounding. 

Week 2 – Run sprints. Stretch. Dribble. Chest Pass. Defense Slide. Shoot from the box w/ Rebounding. 

Week 3 – Run laps. Stretch. Dribble crossover. Figure 8 passing drill. Shoot around. 

Week 4 – Run sprints. Stretch. Dribble crossover. Figure 8 passing drill. Shoot around. 

Week 5 – Run laps. Stretch. Dribble in a figure 8. Top of key catch, pivot, shoot. 

Week 6 – Run sprints. Stretch. Dribble in a figure 8. Top of key catch, pivot, shoot.  

Week 7 – Add Lay ups in 2 lines.

Week 8 – Scrimmage.


Slimy, Scaly, Slithering Creatures

Instructor: Mrs. Collins


Class Description: 

Students will learn about reptiles and amphibians with hands-on activities! Parts of "The Good and the Beautiful" curriculum will be used.

Special Notes:

  • Class will include no homework. Reading and writing will be optional in this class. Worksheets will have areas for drawing instead of writing. Children of all reading and writing levels are welcome!


Week 1 – Reptiles and amphibians introduction

Week 2 – Turtles

Week 3 – Snakes

Week 4 – Lizards

Week 5 – Crocodillians

Week 6 – Frogs & toads part 1

Week 7 – Frogs & toads part 2

Week 8 – Newts & salamanders

Stellar Universe

 Instructor: Mrs. Leahy


Class Description:

This class will use a NASA-released middle school curriculum to introduce students to the study of our universe in a way that also incorporates an introduction to chemistry (atoms and the periodic table) and physics (the study of light waves). We will explore the stars beyond our solar system with exciting hands-on projects and activities that will surely ignite student interest well beyond this class! 

There will be a virtual field trip (just for our class), hosted by a guide from NASA Goddard. Please plan for your student to participate via Zoom- Tuesday, March 19 at 1pm.

Special Notes:


  • This class will cover middle school science topics. 5th graders are welcome to join, but should be ready for a serious science class.

  • Additional cost for class is $5 to cover material fees for several projects.

  • See note in description on Virtual Field trip (3/19, 1pm) and save the date.

  • There will be one class (week 7) with homework


Week 1 – Build your own working spectroscope, and complete a science lab to see the “fingerprints” of visible and invisible light sources.

Week 2 – Complete a universe-in-a-bottle sand art project, after learning about the universe's elements in the periodic table.

Week 3 – Start a diorama on the life-cycle of stars. Learn about main sequence stars and nuclear fusion.

Week 4 – Finish the life-cycle of stars project. Learn about star giants and do a hands-on experiment about how black holes are formed.

Week 5 – Everything there is to know (and lots we don’t know!) about black holes.

Week 6 – Astronomy from a Christian perspective. We will be assuming the young-earth model in this class. 

Week 7 – Modeling galaxies. Constellations. Perspective of space. (homework this week)

Week 8 – Discuss our virtual field trip at NASA. Modeling our 3-D constellations for display.


Instructor: Mrs. Neely

Class Description:

Have you ever wondered how theme parks come to life? Disney Imagineers from hundreds of career disciplines around the world share how they use a wide range of skills – from story development and conceptual design, to math, physics and engineering – that all come together to create immersive experiences. Imagineering in a Box will allow you to explore different aspects of theme park design and create a theme park world in your own Blue Sky notebook!  During our Week 6 class we will have an aspiring Imagineer lead our class.  Mrs. Neely's son, Luke Neely, will bring his experiences studying architecture and working in the themed entertainment industry right to us at LEAP! 

Special Notes:

  • The class will require some homework (all of it will be fun) as you bring in brainstorming items from home.  All assignments, projects, notes etc will be kept in our Blue Sky notebooks. 


Week 1 – Welcome to Imagineering In a Box/Intro to creating worlds

Week 2 – The theme of your land

Week 3 – Layout and building design

Week 4 – Landscape and plant Life/Materials

Week 5 – Graphics and color

Week 6 – Visit from a future Imagineer, Luke Neely (Junior year Architecture student at CUA and currently working in the  themed entertainment industry with American Scenic Design)

Week 7 – Sound design/Design a menu

Week 8 – Mood Board presentations

3-D Art

Instructor: Mrs. Huguenin


Class Description:

We will explore 3-D art mediums that require patience and attention to detail. Come and learn how to make a balsa wood relief of your pet or favorite animal. Then explore with us how to use wire and wood to support a clay giraffe. Last, collaborate with the class and decide on our last project. Will we cut our own glass and make a fish mosaic or create our
own stamps for block printing? Be prepared to get your hands dirty and have fun!

Special Notes:

  • There will be a small class fee (under $8) for consumable materials.


Week 1 – Balsa wood relief
Week 2 – Balsa wood relief
Week 3 – Balsa wood relief
Week 4 – Clay giraffe
Week 5 – Clay giraffe
Week 6 – Clay giraffe
Weeks 7 & 8 – Glass mosaic or Original stamp

Curtain Callers- Drama Improv

Instructor: Mrs. Smith

Class Description:

Calling all thespians! In this introduction to drama class we will learn and practice the basics of improvisation in drama. We will play lots of games and be sure to laugh a lot. 

Special Notes:

  • Class participants may need to bring in props from home some weeks or practice a skill at home.


Week 1 – Say “Yes”

Week 2 – Say “Yes, and”

Week 3 – Make statements

Week 4 – Keep the ball in the air

Week 5 – Pay attention

Week 6 – There are no mistakes

Week 7 – Make your partner look good

Week 8 – Take care of each other

Great Speeches in American History

Instructor: Mrs. Davis​

Class Description

Part history and part public speaking! Join us as we learn about pivotal moments in American history and the memorable
speeches associated with them.

Special Notes:

  • This class is best for mature students who have a basic understanding of difficult topics or events in American history (e.g., slavery, war, racism, suffrage, civil rights, the Great Depression, and terrorism.) For weeks 2-7, students will need to read and/or watch assigned speeches at home. Basic research skills will be helpful as each student will have the opportunity to develop and present their own research project.


Week 1 – Approach to analyzing speeches (historical context, motivation, pathos/logos/ ethos)
Week 2 – The Revolution (Patrick Henry)
Week 3 – Slavery & The Civil War (Frederick Douglass & Abraham Lincoln)
Week 4 – Women’s Suffrage (Susan B. Anthony)
Week 5 – The Great Communicator (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
Week 6 – Civil Rights (Martin Luther King, Jr.)
Week 7 – Modern Presidential Speeches (John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush)
Week 8 – Student Projects

Let's Drum to the Beat- Cardio Drumming

Instructor: Mrs. Strickland​

Class Description

Cardio drumming is a fast paced, fun, and energetic fitness opportunity. While this will work our cardiovascular system, it is also a full body conditioning program – meaning we will be building muscle and increasing our stamina too.  If you are not familiar with cardio drumming take a look at this YouTube to get the idea: 


We will drum to only worship tunes with high beats per minute. In other words, we will work up a sweat and we pound our drums in praise.


No prior fitness or drumming experience is required.

Special Notes:

  • There is $8 or less class fee.

  • Students/families will also need to acquire a 55cm exercise ball to participate.

  • I do have an extra and I am confident several other LEAP families likely have an exercise ball you could borrow for this class.  Additionally, many places have these on sale this time of year - please shop around. These balls can be used for some many fantastic full body exercises and even as an office chair!  I would be happy to show any adult or student how else they could use the ball to benefit their strength and flexibility. 

  • Students must come with a water bottle, dressed in clothes that flex, and wearing sneakers to be safest. 

  • Lastly, families are responsible for bringing these supplies back and forth to class since I do not have this space in my car. Therefore, students are responsible for bringing these three items each week.


Cardio drumming routines are repetitive on purpose…the more we drum in sync the louder our praises will be and it will take a few classes to learn the routines.  


However, I am expecting that we will drum to at least ten different songs throughout our semester, with an average of five per class leaving time to warm-up, cool down, and stretch. 

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