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Fall 2019 CLASSES


1C Intro to Aerospace and the role of Flight in World War II (Booth)

​2A Investing 101:Intro to the Stock Market (Leahy)

​2B Electricity (Lokos)

3C Reader’s Theater (Huguenin) all 5th and up are combined for this and will be participating at the Special Event



1A All About Indonesia (Vaughan)

1B Chicken Eggstravaganza (Dennis)

2A Westward with Lewis & Clark! (Duffy)

2B Reader’s Theater (Huguenin)

3A This is not a Math Class (Leahy)

3B Electricity (Lokos)




​1A Pioneer Adventures (Bishop)

1B What’s Bugging You? (Rangel)

2A Young Peacemaker (McGraw)

2B All About Indonesia (Vaughan)

3A Inventors & Inventions (Pasho)

3B From Page to Stage! (Cupidon)



1st Community Helpers (Westcott)

2nd Thankful Fall (Smith)

3rd Free play



​1st Great Books (Wright)

2nd Free Play/snack 

3rd A Healthy Body (Crawford)

5th - 8th  GRADE CLASSES

Introduction to Aerospace and the role of Flight in World War II

 Instructor: Mrs. Booth


Class Description:

This semester we will dig deep into the understanding of Aerospace. We will be using a curriculum distributed by the Air Force Civil Air Patrol. This is an interactive and engaging curriculum. In as much as time and space allows it we will be engaged in hands on activities every week.  These lessons will allow us to increase our aerospace knowledge as well as general knowledge of science, technology, engineering and math.  This curriculum is designed to be at least a 21 week long course. So we’ll be packing a lot of awesome information into our 8 weeks at LEAP!  We will also look at the role of Flight in World War II. Military aircraft in World War II included bombers, fighters, and reconnaissance airplanes, as well as a limited number of cargo transports, gliders, blimps, and even jets. Aircraft of various kinds had played a highly visible, but relatively minor role in World War I, but during World War II they were arguably the most important weapons delivery system.


Note: I have already begun arrangements for at least one class field trip outside of LEAP to go to a small airport, see a small aircraft hands on, and to take a short flight in that aircraft with the pilot who built the plane.  I am also investigating a field trip to Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD and to the Steven F. Udvar Hazy Center in Virginia


Special Notes:

  • Class will include occasional/optional homework – for those students that would like to go deeper than what time allows us each week at LEAP.

  • Class will include some parental involvement (in coordination of outside LEAP field trips)



Week 1 – Introduction to Flight – Lift, Thermals, Laws of Motion

Week 2 – Air Environment – Atmosphere, Air Circulation, Weather Systems

Week 3 – Aircraft Systems and Airports – Investigation of Engines, Instrument Panels and Airport Structure and Safety

Week 4 – Spacecraft & Rocketry – Principles, Systems,  Engines, Manned vs Unmanned Spacecraft and Living/Working in Space

Week 5 – The History of Aircraft – The Who’s Who and What’s What of Flight

Week 6 – The role of Flight in World War II

Week 7 – Timeline of World War II

Week 8 – Types of Aircraft in World War II








Investing 101: Introduction to the stock market

Instructor: Mrs.  Leahy


Class Description:

We will learn about the basic principles of the stock market, choosing individual stocks to “invest” in for the semester. We will use math concepts to plot and analyze our data each week. And each week we will learn a different and important aspect of economics.


Special Notes:

  • Class will include no homework

  • Kids should bring a simple calculator to class each week.



Week 1 – Introduction to the stock market. Pick stocks to simulate investing

Week 2 – Track stocks. Learn: How to read a stock table

Week 3 – Track stocks. Learn: Types of savings. Risk vs. Reward

Week 4 – Mid-semester stock evaluation. Learn: Supply vs. Demand

Week 5 – Track stocks. Learn: Diversification

Week 6 –Track stocks. Learn: Future value of money

Week 7 –Track stocks. Learn: History of the stock market

Week 8 –Final presentation and analysis.





Instructor: Mrs. Lokos


Class Description:

We will explore what electricity is and how it can be used through hands-on experiments and demonstrations. Using the Tops book on electricity, we will build our own increasingly complex circuits. We might even electrocute a pickle!


Special Notes:

  • Class will include no homework



Week 1 –Introduction

Week 2 – Voltage and Current

Week 3 – Insulators and Conductors---Ohm’s Law

Week 4 – Building a Basic Circuit

Week 5 – Expanding a Circuit

Week 6 – Series vs Parallel Circuit

Week 7 –Switches and Further

Week 8 –Putting it All Together





Reader's Theater

Instructor: Mrs. Lisa Huguenin


Class Description

Shy kids will blossom, extroverts will be challenged, and all students will develop a strong sense of teamwork in this class. Come and learn how to perform with expression, while getting into character and projecting your voice. You will enhance your performance skills and confidence this semester. Oh! and don’t worry. There will be no memorization. Scripts are used openly for all performances. You will be asked to practice your lines at home. We will perform our scripts for our family and friends at the semester's-end special event, which you will help plan. It’s going to be a blast!



Week 1: Ice breakers & preparing the scripts

Week 2: Group reading with a focus on phrasing and timing

Week 3: Characterization & Props

Week 4: Staging, Enunciation and Projection

Week 5: Planning for the Special Event

Week 6: Perform on stage

Week 7: Run through Special Event

Week 8: Full Dress Rehearsal






All About Indonesia

Instructor: Mrs. Vaughan


Class Description:

To introduce the children to a country in South East Asia called Indonesia.


Special Notes:

  • Class will include no homework

  • Class will include some drawing/tracing, coloring, writing, painting, trying out a sport, and playing a musical instrument. Please discuss with your child that every child’s participation is important for the whole team ☺

  • One of the weeks will include tasting food. Please communicate any food allergies.



Week 1 – Geography: Where in the world is it? Let’s draw the map and learn about the big islands.

Week 2 – History and The People (I): Where do these people come from? Let’s dig into some ancient and more modern history.

Week 3 – History and The People (II): The traditional cultures of the big islands, the diversity, and the national language.

Week 4 – Arts and Sports: Soccer, badminton, batik, and more. Hands-on art/craft making day.

Week 5 – Arts and Music: Explore traditional dance and music. Hands-on musical instrument practice.

Week 6 – Arts and Foods: What is an Indonesian cuisine? Shall we try a traditional dance?

Week 7 – Flora and Fauna

Week 8 – Wrap-up, summarizing what we learned so far. Practice the musical instrument.





Chicken Eggtravaganza

Instructor: Mrs. Dennis


Class Description:

Eggs? Chickens? Fun with eggs and chickens? What kind of things can we do with either of those?

Come find out! Games, arts/crafts and science eggperiments.


Special Notes:

  • Students are encouraged to learn about a breed of chicken to share with class. (not required)

  • Allergy Alert: eggs and chicken

  • Optional: Prep, prepare a chicken or egg dish to share.



Week 1 – Chuck the Chicken Game

Week 2 – Chicken Origami

Week 3 – Chicken Diagram

Week 4 – Egg development

Week 5 – Egg Protector

Week 6 – Eggperiment

Week 7 – Eggtraordinary Art Project

Week 8 – Food





Westward! With Lewis and Clark!

Instructor: Mrs. Duffy


Class Description:

We will see the western United States for the first time through the eyes of Lewis and Clark. Our class will learn about their adventures through their journal entries and discuss how they handled problems they faced along the way. We will keep nature journals like Lewis and Clark did, and use maps to gain understanding about their journey.


Special Notes:

  • Class will include no homework



Week 1 – Preparing for the trip

Week 2 – Choosing the Corps of Discovery

Week 3 – Starting Out

Week 4 – Wintering with the Mandans

Week 5 – Learning the Lay of the Land

Week 6 – Discovering Plants and Animals

Week 7 – Reaching the Pacific Ocean

Week 8 – Going Home




Reader’s Theater

Instructor: Mrs. Lisa Huguenin


Class Description

Shy kids will blossom, extroverts will be challenged, and all students will develop a strong sense of teamwork in this class. Come and learn how to read aloud fluently, with expression, while getting into character. You will enhance your reading skills and confidence this semester. Oh! and don’t worry. There will be no memorization. Scripts are used openly for all performances. As for homework, your only assignment will be to practice your lines at home. We will perform our scripts for our family and friends at the semester's-end special event. It’s going to be a blast!


Special Notes:

If your child is a reluctant reader, do not worry. No one will be called upon to read aloud until they are comfortable with their lines. As a matter of fact, readers’ theater is ideal for kids who don’t like to read.



Week 1: Ice breakers & preparing the scripts

Week 2: Group reading with a focus on phrasing and timing

Week 3: Characterization & Props

Week 4: Enunciation and Projection

Week 5: Staging

Week 6: Practice on stage

Week 7: Practice on stage

Week 8: Full Dress Rehearsal





This is NOT a math class!

Instructor: Mrs.  Leahy


Class Description:

Class Description: Have you ever wondered what art and math have in common? We will create some beautiful works of art using advanced math techniques that will amaze your parents. No mathematical (or artistic) prerequisite required - promise!


Special Notes:

·         Class will include no homework



Week 1 – Parabolic curves

Week 2 – Symmetry

Week 3 – Spirolaterals and super stars

Week 4 – Painting with circles

Week 5 – Tessellations

Week 6 – Pi sky-scapes

Week 7 – Illusions with squares

Week 8 – Final project




Instructor: Mrs. Lokos


Class Description: 

Class Description: We will explore what electricity is and how it can be used through hands-on experiments and demonstrations. Using the Tops book on electricity, we will build our own increasingly complex circuits. We might even electrocute a pickle!


Special Notes:

·         Class will include no homework



Week 1 –Introduction

Week 2 – Voltage and Current

Week 3 – Insulators and Conductors---Ohm’s Law

Week 4 – Building a Basic Circuit

Week 5 – Expanding a Circuit

Week 6 – Series vs Parallel Circuit

Week 7 –Switches and Further

Week 8 –Putting it All Together



1st and 2nd GRADE CLASSES


Pioneer Adventure

Instructor: Mrs. Bishop


Class Description: 

It’s time to pack up the covered wagon & head westward! Young explorers will learn about the hard work, fun, & adventure of the American pioneer. We will wrap up our study with a Pioneer Party! 


Special Notes:

  • Class will include no homework



Week 1-Going West: Packing Your Covered Wagon for the Westward Journey

Week 2-Frontier Survival & Pioneer Family Life

Week 3-Building a New Home+ Make your own log cabin

Week 4-Pioneer Food + Make Homemade Butter

Week 5-Prairie Animals-Wild & Domestic

Week 6-School in the Pioneer Days

Week 7-Pioneer Music & Crafts + Class (paper) Quilt Making

Week 8-Pioneer Party! Learn About & Play Pioneer-Era Games





What’s Bugging You??

Instructor: Mrs. Rangel


Class Description:

We will learn about the most common insects in our area. There will be hands-on games, crafts, bug snacks and other activities throughout the semester.  


Special Notes:

  • Class will include occasional homework

  • Class will include some parental involvement



Week 1 – What is an Insect?

Week 2 – Hardworking Ants

Week 3 – Light Up the Sky - Fireflies

Week 4 – Total Metamorphosis - Butterflies

Week 5 – Hoppers and Singers- Grasshoppers and Crickets

Week 6 – Have You Ever Seen a Dragon fly?

Week 7 – The Sting - Bees

Week 8 – Ladybug, Ladybug, Fly Away Home




Young Peace Makers

 Instructor: Mrs. McGraw


Class description:

Children will learn how to be peacemakers among their friends, families and authorities. Each week we will discuss a specific problem (that kids are likely to face in their own lives) and present biblical principles. Lessons will conclude with "what would you do"; activities and application questions.


Special notes:

  • There will be no homework for this class.



Week 1: Understanding Conflict

Week 2: Responding to Conflict

Week 3: Preventing Conflict

Week 4: Character Development

Week 5: Confession

Week 6: Forgiveness

Week 7: Communication

Week 8: Choosing Peace


All About Indonesia

Instructor: Mrs. Vaughan


Class Description:

To introduce the children to a country in South East Asia called Indonesia.o help.


Special Notes:

  • Class will include no homework

  • Class will include some drawing/tracing, coloring, writing, painting, trying out a sport, and playing a musical instrument. Please discuss with your child that every child’s participation is important for the whole team ☺

  • One of the weeks will include tasting food. Please communicate any food



  • Week 1 – Geography: Where in the world is it? Let’s draw the map and learn about the big islands.

  • Week 2 – History and The People (I): Where do these people come from? Let’s dig into some ancient and more modern history.

  • Week 3 – History and The People (II): The traditional cultures of the big islands, the diversity, and the national language.

  • Week 4 – Arts and Sports: Soccer, badminton, batik, and more. Hands-on art/craft making day.

  • Week 5 – Arts and Music: Explore traditional dance and music. Hands-on musical instrument practice.

  • Week 6 – Arts and Foods: What is an Indonesian cuisine? Shall we try a traditional dance?

  • Week 7 – Flora and Fauna

  • Week 8 – Wrap-up, summarizing what we learned so far. Practice the musical instrument.


Inventors and Inventions

Instructor: Mrs. Pasho


Class Description:

Be inspired by the minds of the great inventors and how they have shaped the world around us today. A FUN combination of history, science, and engineering!


Special Notes:

  • Class will include no homework



Week 1 – Simple Machines from Ancient times

Week 2 – Inventor Leonardo DaVinci, Renaissance Man

Week 3 – Inventor Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father

Week 4 – Codes and Communication: Samuel Morse and Alexander Graham Bell

Week 5 – Flying & Falling with style: Wright Brothers Planes and Parachutes

Week 6 – How Industrious: The Assembly Line

Week 7 – Lightbulb moment: Electricity and Circuits

Week 8 – Mousetrap: DIY Rube Goldberg Machines







From Page to Stage!

Instructor: Mrs. Cupidon


Class Description:

We will read three books: King Bidgood is in the Bathtub by Audrey Wood, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen and The Great Goat Chase by Tony Bonning. As a class, we will vote on which book we want to “act out”. As the weeks unfold, as a class, we will write the script and act it out: from the page to the stage! We will also work on props!


Special Notes:

Because much of the course is dependent on what happens the first day, the weekly syllabus is quite skeletal!  We might need parental involvement in helping with props. However, the goal would be that the students own the whole process! ☺



Week 1 – Read the three books mentioned and vote on which one we want to stage. 

Week 2 – Define the four part of literature. Start writing and acting the first scenes.

Week 3 – The five W’s. Continue writing and acting out the scenes.

Week 4 – Using space. Continue writing and acting out the scenes.

Week 5 – Expressions. Continue writing and acting out the scenes. Start working on props.

Week 6 – Position. Continue writing and acting out the scenes. Continue working on props.

Week 7 –Projection.  Finishing up props and rehearsing. We should have perfected our stage production and are ready to  present.

Week 8 –Final Rehearsal. Celebration and sharing the best part of the whole process!






Community Helpers … to the Rescue!

Instructor: Mrs. Westcott


Class Description:

How do people in a community help each other?  Who is my neighbor?  And what can we do to be community helpers in our own neighborhoods?  Each week we will read a book and do related activities that help us understand how people in our community help others, and how we can be community helpers, too.o largest).


Special Notes:

  • Class will include no homework

  • Students will need to bring in small items (e.g., stuffed animal, envelope) throughout the session.Information will be sent to parents via email.



Week 1 – Our community - Who is my neighbor? (Luke 10:27-37)  Taking care of those who are hurting and unable to help themselves.  Where is my neighbor?  Age-appropriate maps of a community.

Week 2 – Mail deliverers help people connect with the community

Week 3 – Doctors and nurses help those who are hurting

Week 4 – Firefighters help those who are in danger

Week 5 – Police officers help those who are scared or have a problem

Week 6 – Farmers help those who need food

Week 7 – Construction workers help those who need a place to live

Week 8 – Business owners help those who need to earn money, and provide things that can be bought - food, clothing, and homes






Thankful Fall

Instructor: Mrs. Smith


Class Description:

Our class will journey back to the first Thanksgiving!  With a focus on thankful hearts, friendship and fall crafts, we will learn about the first Thanksgiving and why it was important. 


Special Notes:

Parents, please be advised that our focus will be on friendship, thankfulness and appreciating different cultures.  We will note that the Pilgrims did not ask permission to live on land that belonged to the people already living there.  We will note that times were hard and people were hungry, but we will not address loss of life or other potentially scary topics connected to the first Thanksgiving.



Week 1 – Journey of the Mayflower

Week 2 – Life as a Pilgrim

Week 3 – Life as a Native American

Week 4 – Life as a Pilgrim

Week 5 – Life as a Native American

Week 6 – What is a Harvest

Week 7 – The First Thanksgiving

Week 8 – How We Celebrate Thanksgiving






Free Play


Class Description:

Students will enjoy a time of free play and snack.





Great Books

Instructor: Mrs. Wright


Class Description:

Join us as we explore picture books along with activities to help us learn more!


Special Notes:

  • Class will include no homework



Week 1-“Blueberries for Sal”

Week 2- “Night of the Moonjellies”

Week 3- “How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World”

Week 4- “The Snowy Day”

Week 5-“Caps for Sale”

Week 6- “Going on a Bear Hunt”

Week 7- “Corduroy”

Week 8- “Katy No-Pocket”





Free Play


Class Description:

Students will enjoy a time of free play and a snack.





My Healthy Body

Instructor: Mrs. Crawford


Class Description:

Students will explore different health topics through hands on activities to promote healthy food choices and healthy/safe habits.


Special Notes:

  • Class will include no homework

  • Class will include some parental involvement



Week 1 – Invisible Enemies: GERMS !

Week 2 –  Combat The Enemy: Handwashing

Week 3 –  Dental Hygiene: Brushin’ and Flossin’

Week 4 –  My Plate: Food Groups

Week 5 –  My Plate: Building a Healthy Plate

Week 6 –  My Plate: Let’s Make a Healthy Snack

Week 7 – Public Safety: Stranger Danger

Week 8 – Public Safety:  No Wandering, Stay together

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