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Fall 2015 CLASSES

Grades 5th and Up

1A  The Great Depression: A Close Look at a Fascinating Time      

1B  Sing for Joy!

2A  To Infinity and Beyond: A Voyage into Outer Space   

2B  Paper Quilling (Twirled Paper)

3A  Computer Science Unplugged            

3B  Drawing and Sketching


Grades 3rd-4th

1A  Westward Ho!          

1B  Sing for Joy!

2A  M.E.S.S. Lab (Math, Engineering, Science Stuff            

2B  Recorder Karate

3A  Considering God’s Creation Science 

3B  All about Chocolate


Grades 1st-2nd

1A  Healthy Me!              

1B  Honeybees

2A  Masterpiece Creator              

2B  Considering God’s Creation Science

3A  Fun with Fitness       

3B  USPS: Stamps and More!


Kindergarten: Mrs. Rangel's Reading and Rhythm Class, Free Play, Fun with Fall!

Pre-Kindergarten: ABC Verse Book, Christmas Popsicle Stick Theatre, Free Play




Grades 5th and Up

The Great Depression: A Close Look at a Fascinating Time

Instructor: Mrs. Lokos


Class Description

We’ll do many hands-on activities to help us examine life in 1930’s America. Exploring everything from Wall Street and buying on margin to jungle fires and Hoovervilles, students will get a taste of this interesting decade. We may even hear a first-hand account of one man’s experiences in New York during the Depression.


Special Notes:

Class will include no homework


Week 1: The Roaring Twenties

Week 2: The Stock Market

Week 3: Black Tuesday

Week 4: Hoover/Bank Runs

Week 5: Urban Life

Week 6: Rural Life

Week 7: FDR and the New Deal

Week 8: Recovery and the onset of WWII



Sing for Joy!

Instructor: Mrs. Christine Brinson


Class Description

In Sing for Joy! the students will learn about singing fun songs in a choir and explore holding their own part.


Special Notes:

Class will include weekly homework – to memorize the lyrics to the music


Week 1: Introduction to singing, learning to sing parts in a round and rehearsal #1

Week 2: Warmups, parts singing rounds, rehearsal #2

Week 3: Warmups, parts singing rounds, rehearsal #3

Week 4: Warmups, parts singing rounds, rehearsal #4

Week 5: Warmups, parts singing rounds, rehearsal #5

Week 6: Warmups, parts singing rounds, rehearsal #6

Week 7: Warmups, parts singing rounds, rehearsal #7

Week 8: Warmups, parts singing rounds, rehearsal #8



To Infinity and Beyond: A Voyage into Outer Space

Instructor: Mrs. Geary


Class Description

Do you like to star gaze and become amazed in how God's glory is displayed in the heavens above? On our voyage into outer space we will discover certain facts about the planets in our solar system, how the Sun, Earth and Moon are connected and cause amazing phenomena here on Earth and touch on comets, asteroids, stars and galaxies. Come prepared for exciting adventures on our walk through space. Space suits may be required! :-)


Special Notes:

Class may include occasional homework


Week 1: Our Solar System

Week 2: Sun, Earth, Moon System

Week 3: Mercury and Venus

Week 4: Earth and Mars

Week 5: Asteroid Belt and Comets

Week 6: Jupiter and Saturn

Week 7: Uranus, Neptune and Dwarf Planets

Week 8: Stars and Galaxies


Paper Quilling (Twirled Paper)

Instructor: Mrs. Baile


Class Description

Learn this French form of art by twirling paper on a tool. This used to be called "Paper Quilling," because they would twirl the paper on the tip of a feather to get the paper filigree effect.


Special Notes:

$4 cost for tool, ornament, box top, and wooden letter.


Week 1: Flower Sampler

Week 2: Grapes

Week 3: Dragonfly

Week 4: Other animals

Week 5: Sea scene

Week 6: Decorating Ornaments

Week 7: Decorating Box tops

Week 8: Decorating Wooden Letter



Computer Science Unplugged!

Instructor: Mrs. Uehling


Class Description

Unplug your computer and get ready to explore what computer science is really about. Through fun games and activities we will discover some of the building blocks of how computers work. Come prepared to use your communication, problem solving, creativity, and thinking skills.


Special Notes:

Class will include occasional homework to reinforce information learned in class.


Week 1: Binary Numbers, Color by Numbers – Representing Information

Week 2: Card Flip Magic, Bar Codes – Error detection

Week 3: Beat the Clock - Sorting Networks

Week 4: The Orange Game - Routing and Deadlock

Week 5: Treasure Hunt - Procedures

Week 6: Graph Coloring - Intractability

Week 7: Sharing Secrets – Data encryption

Week 8: Chocolate Factory – User Interface Design



Drawing and Sketching

Instructor: Mrs. Lamy


Class Description

Discover how to turn the basic forms into simple objects.

Apply the knowledge of the basic elements of drawing: Surface, size, surface lines, overlapping, shading, density, foreshortening.

Awaken hidden talents in drawing through practice

Special Notes:

Class will include occasional homework.

Class will include some parental involvement.


Week 1: Lines -shapes and forms

Week 2: Tone – shading- cast shadow

Week 3: Composition

Week 4: Perspective and vanishing point

Week 5: How to create more realistic pictures

Week 6: Harvest

Week 7: House in perspective

Week 8: Whistle stop



Grades 3rd-4th

Westward Ho!

Instructor: Mrs. Bullard


Class Description

There was a time when not much was known about the area west of the Mississippi River, so President Thomas Jefferson asked Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore this land and report back to him. Our class will learn about the adventures they had, and we will keep nature journals like Lewis and Clark did, and use maps and primary sources to gain understanding about their discoveries.


Special Notes:

Class may include occasional homework


Week 1: Preparing for the trip

Week 2: Choosing the Corps of Discovery

Week 3: Starting Out

Week 4: Wintering with the Mandans

Week 5: Learning the Lay of the Land

Week 6: Discovering Plants and Animals

Week 7: Reaching the Pacific Ocean

Week 8: Going Home



Sing for Joy!

Instructor: Mrs. Christine Brinson


Class Description

In Sing for Joy! the students will learn about singing fun songs in a choir and explore holding their own part.


Special Notes:

Class will include weekly homework – to memorize the lyrics to the music


Week 1: Introduction to singing, learning to sing parts in a round and rehearsal #1

Week 2: Warmups, parts singing rounds, rehearsal #2

Week 3: Warmups, parts singing rounds, rehearsal #3

Week 4: Warmups, parts singing rounds, rehearsal #4

Week 5: Warmups, parts singing rounds, rehearsal #5

Week 6: Warmups, parts singing rounds, rehearsal #6

Week 7: Warmups, parts singing rounds, rehearsal #7

Week 8: Warmups, parts singing rounds, rehearsal #8



M.E.S.S. Lab (Math, Engineering, Science Stuff)

Instructor: Mrs. Tracy Cooper


Class Description

Welcome to the MESS Lab (Math, Engineering, Science & Stuff). Here, students get to work like real scientists, developing questions and creating experiments, engaging in complex reasoning and learning science just through tinkering. It’s all hands-on science. We will do these cool things and more!


Special Notes:

Class will include occasional homework

Safety glasses are required for this class.


Week 1: Combustion: Why does Sulfuric Acid blow up when mixed with sugar?

Week 2: Soda Geyser

Week 3: Program a Friend: The challenge in this activity is much like the challenge of controlling a rover on Mars

Week 4: Polymers- Sharpened pencils through a Ziploc bag, will it leak?

Week 5: Super- Tasters: Super-tasters experience the five basic tastes, especially bitter foods, with greater intensity. Find out if you are a super taster in this experiment.

Week 6: Super Absorbing Powder: How much water can it hold? Sodium polyacrylate is used in many applications. A common one is diapers. In addition, it is used as a soil additive to hold water for long periods for plants.

Week 7: Walking Water: Primary Colored glasses of water will “walk” to mix into cool colors.

Week 8: Wrapping it all up – Review & repeating some of our favorite experiments



Recorder Karate

Instructor: Mrs. Hoffman


Class Description

Students will be introduced to the recorder and recorder music. They will learn to play a few songs and earn a "karate belt" for each song learned.


Special Notes:

Students should practice at home.

Students will need to purchase a recorder.


Week 1: Introduction to the recorder

Week 2: Basic music reading, Hot Cross Buns

Week 3: Types of recorders, Claire de la Lune

Week 4: Recorder music, Gently Sleep

Week 5: Review, Merrily We Roll Along

Week 6: Lucy Locket and Hop Old Squirrel

Week 7: All Aboard and Down by the Station

Week 8: Review and Rehearse for program



Considering God’s Creation Science

Instructor: Mrs. Hall


Class Description

Do you love capturing creepy, crawly things and watching them move? Have you looked through binoculars to watch birds and determine which one they are? Have you seen tadpoles change to frogs or eggs change to baby chicks at your house? Have you saved a turtle from the road, named him Filmore and brought him home to keep him as a friend? Did you have a brother that loved snakes and kept them in the basement where you mom wouldn’t know? Well, if you said yes to any of these’re just like me! I love all of God’s creatures and find them fascinating. We will have a blast doing an animal detective page each week along with other activities to stretch our minds while having fun. There will be a lot of cutting and coloring and a whole lot of exploration.


Special Notes:

Class will include no homework, however, if you would like to bring a creature to show and tell we would love to see it.


Week 1: Insects: metamorphosis, nymph, pupa

Week 2: Spiders: arachnids, book lungs, cephalothorax, spiracles

Week 3: Fish: cold-blooded, swim bladders, vertebrates

Week 4: Reptiles: lungs, cold-blooded

Week 5: Birds: air sacs, crop, gizzard, warm-bloodeds

Week 6: Mammals: diaphragm, marsupial, placenta

Week 7: Amphibians: hibernation, estivation

Week 8: Animal Classification Review



All About Chocolate

Instructor: Mrs. Doyle


Class Description

Hands on lap book study of chocolate. At the end of the semester, each student will have completed a chocolate themed lap book while learning about the history, timeline, growing and harvesting of Cacao pods, and the manufacturing process of chocolate. We will learn about chocolate around the world and in other cultures, and enjoy chocolate tasting too!


Special Notes:

Class will include no homework


Week 1: History of Chocolate - The Mayans, The Aztecs, Spain & Timeline

Week 2: History of Chocolate - Europe, United States & Timeline, The Cacao Tree

Week 3: The Cocoa Bean & Timeline

Week 4: How is Chocolate made, Conching & Timeline

Week 5: Four Kinds of Chocolate, Chocolate Flavors, Favorite Treats, Taste Test! & Timeline

Week 6: Chocolate Around the World and in Other Cultures, Value of Chocolate & Timeline

Week 7: Nutritional Values, Vitamins and Minerals, My Day as an M&M Short Story Writing

Week 8: Design your own Candy Bar (art)



1st and 2nd Grades

Healthy Me!

Instructor: Mrs. Tiren


Class Description

We will learn fun ways to develop good health and safety habits using all our senses: touch, smell, hearing, sight, and TASTE!


Special Notes:

Class will include no homework

Please let me know ASAP of any food allergies your child may have.


Week 1 and 2: Clean Machine

Week 3: Healthy Chompers

Week 4 and 5: Nutritious and Delicious

Week 6: Exercising My Muscles

Week 7 and 8: Safe and Sound




Instructor: Mrs. Wright


Class Description

Join us as we study these incredible insects and learn how important they are!


Special Notes:

Class will include no homework


Week 1: lifecycle of honeybees

Week 2: anatomy of honeybees

Week 3: drawing honeybees

Week 4: importance of pollination

Week 5: beekeepers and honey

Week 6: honeybee craft

Week 7: continue honeybee craft and read book about honeybees

Week 8: review and wrap up




Masterpiece Creator

Instructor: Mrs. Drury


Class Description

In this class, we will get to know the Masters by exploring their artwork and then trying out their techniques to make our own unique creations.


Special Notes:

Class will include no homework

Class may get a little messy- a smock (aka an old, oversized shirt) is recommended

Depending on how quickly children complete projects, we may study more or fewer artists. The focus will be on learning about the artist and their technique and producing artwork that the children can feel good about.


Week 1: Introduction, Van Gogh and Expressionism

Week 2: Monet and Impressionism

Week 3: Picasso and Cubism

Week 4: Work on Projects

Week 5: Henri Matisse

Week 6: Paul Klee

Week 7: Eric Carle

Week 8: Finishing projects and displaying them for the closing program




Considering God’s Creation Science

Instructor: Mrs. Hall


Class Description

Do you love capturing creepy, crawly things and watching them move? Have you looked through binoculars to watch birds and determine which one they are? Have you seen tadpoles change to frogs or eggs change to baby chicks at your house? Have you saved a turtle from the road, named him Filmore and brought him home to keep him as a friend? Did you have a brother that loved snakes and kept them in the basement where you mom wouldn’t know? Well, if you said yes to any of these’re just like me! I love all of God’s creatures and find them fascinating. We will have a blast doing an animal detective page each week along with other activities to stretch our minds while having fun. There will be a lot of cutting and coloring and a whole lot of exploration.


Special Notes:

Class will include no homework, however, if you would like to bring a creature to show and tell we would love to see it.


Week 1: Insects: metamorphosis, nymph, pupa

Week 2: Spiders: arachnids, book lungs, cephalothorax, spiracles

Week 3: Fish: cold-blooded, swim bladders, vertebrates

Week 4: Reptiles: lungs, cold-blooded

Week 5: Birds: air sacs, crop, gizzard, warm-bloodeds

Week 6: Mammals: diaphragm, marsupial, placenta

Week 7: Amphibians: hibernation, estivation

Week 8: Animal Classification Review



Fun with Fitness

Instructor: Mrs. Estrada


Class Description

Each class will include a warm up stretch and cool down. Games will be incorporated into each week’s lesson. Children should wear active clothing and bring a water bottle.


Special Notes:

Class will include no homework


Week 1: The importance of team work and positive reinforcement (Team Drills)

Week 2: Running Essentials

Week 3: Children work together to plan & create obstacle course for our BIG 5K Race

Week 4: Building Muscle Mass

Week 5: Soccer Skill Day

Week 6: Kickball Day & Group Training

Week 7: Kids learn how to create their very own fitness plan

Week 8: BIG 5K Race (May ask for some cheerleaders from the Chat & Chill Room for this event)



USPS: Stamps and More!

Instructor: Mrs. Richmond


Class Description

Learn how stamps are chosen and what they’re made of – you’ll get to design one of your own! You’ll also get to send and receive your own mail, as well as learn how Owney the dog became the USPS mascot.


Special Notes:

Class will include occasional homework

Class will include some parental involvement


Week 1: Intro: What are stamps made of, what stories do they tell, etc.

Week 2: How are stamps chosen; Envelope Etiquette

Week 3: Design a Commemorative Stamp of your own

Week 4: “Owney” the USPS Mascot; Maps

Week 5: USPS Timeline project

Week 6: Sorting mail; Graphing

Week 7: Write a note to a classmate (sent in mail)

Week 8: Review with games; Mail and the Visually Impaired




Kindergarten - Older 4's - 5's

Mrs. Rangel's Reading and Rhythm Class

Instructor: Mrs. Rangel


Class Description

Our objective will be to have story time with activities and to encourage movement and fun with music. The first part of each class will start with Mrs. Rangel reading stories to the class and the last half of the class will be spent having fun with dance and movement.


Special Notes:

Class will include no homework


Week 1: The Mixed up Chameleon, Eric Carle; Brown Bear Brown Bear, Eric Carle; The Absolute Alphabet Book, Dr. Suess

Week 2: A Fly Went By, Mike McClintock; Miss Nelson is Missing, Harry Allard, James Marshal; Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus, Mo Willems

Week 3: Mouse Paint, Ellen S. Walsh; The Green Pocketbook, Candice F Ransom; Green Eggs and Ham, Dr. Seuss

Week 4: Miss Nelson is Back, Harry Allard, James Marshal; Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale, Mo Willems; Chrysanthemum, Kevin Henkes

Week 5: Nosy Nora, Rosemary Wells; Emily's First 100 Days of School, Rosemary Wells; Socks on Fox, Dr. Seuss

Week 6: Today is Monday, Eric Carle; Miss Nelson has a Field Day, Harry Allard, James Marshal; Knuffle Bunny Too, Mo Willems

Week 7: The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog! Mo Willems; The Mitten, Jan Brett; The Bear Snores On, Karma Wilson, Jane Chapman

Week 8: Caps for Sales, Esphyr Slobodkina; The Giving Tree, Shel Silverstein; To Market to Market, Anne Miranda



Fun with Fall!

Instructor: Mrs. Gordon


Class Description

In this class we will learn many wonderful things about fall. We’ll spend our class time doing Fall-themed crafts and activities and maybe learning a song or two. Let’s celebrate this beautiful season that God has made!



Week 1: What is fall all about?

Week 2: Fall animals and craft

Week 3: It’s harvest time!

Week 4: Look what I did with a Leaf! By Morteza E. Sohi

Week 5: Pumpkin craft

Week 6: Nature walk & Fall Bingo

Week 7: My Apple Book craft

Week 8: Let’s Make a Scarecrow – a friendly one :-)



Free Play

Class Description

The children will enjoy a snack of goldfish or animal crackers and some water. They will play inside with a variety of toys or outside weather-permitting.





Pre-Kindergarten - 3's - Young 4's

ABC Verse Book

Instructor: Mrs. Cantillo


Class Description

The lessons are based on the book “My ABC Bible Verses” by Susan Hunt. Each week we will be learning a new verse and discussing a letter of the alphabet. We will read a story from the book, discuss application of the verse, and go over vocabulary words and their reader. The kids will trace the alphabet letter sheets and use do-a-dot markers to complete various activities. There may be some weeks where the kids will get to use playdoh and do some Q-tip painting.



Week 1: Letter P – Psalm 147:1

Week 2: Letter Q – 1 Thessalonians 5:19

Week 3: Letter R – Exodus 20:8

Week 4: Letter S – Isaiah 55:6

Week 5: Letter T – Exodus 20:15

Week 6: Letter U – Psalm 75:1

Week 7: Letter X – Matthew 18:3

Week 8: Letter Z – Luke 19:5



Free Play

Class Description

The children will enjoy a snack of goldfish or animal crackers and some water. They will play inside with a variety of toys or outside weather-permitting.




Christmas Popsicle Stick Theatre

Instructor: Mrs. Avers


Class Description

What is the big deal about Christmas?! We will be exploring what God has to say about this through Popsicle stick drama. Get ready to celebrate and understand why this is the biggest birthday party of all time all over the world!

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