Learn • Explore• aspire • prosper
Splendid Spring
Instructor: Mrs. Collins
Class Description:
Young learners will explore spring-related topics! Look forward to engaging stories, hands-on activities, crafts, and more!
Special Notes:
No homework, just FUN!
Week 1 – Groundhogs
Week 2 – Bears
Week 3 – Snow
Week 4 – Rain
Week 5 – Bees
Week 6 – Butterflies
Week 7 – Flowers
Week 8 – Worms
Little Musicians
Instructor: Mrs. Cho
Class Description:
Children will participate in a movement-based music class in order to learn rhythm, notes, listening, and pitch. We will dance, sing, experiment with different instruments, read books, make the occasional craft, and have so much fun together! Below are themes for each week, but each class will be structured generally the same, opening with a morning circle.
Special Notes:
An extra $5-$10 fee may apply in order to cover the purchase of instruments for the class. Will be decided once registrations are complete!
Week 1: Bears
Week 2: Winter
Week 3: Valentine’s Day
Week 4: Transportation
Week 5: Spring
Week 6: Picnic
Week 7: Frogs
Week 8: Rabbits
Free Play
Class Description:
Students will enjoy a time of free play and a gluten free snack provided by LEAP.